Local 26 JATC uses TradeSchool as its database management system. You will need a TradeSchool account with our JATC before you will be able to enroll in night classes or apply for our programs. TradeSchool is proprietary software and is used by many JATCs accoss the nation. The key to accessing Local 26 JATC’s TradeSchool is in the link below. If you search for TradeSchool on the web you are likely to get the login page for another JATC or find a TradeSchool link with bad permissions which will not allow you access. Visit this page to jump to the TradeSchool login screen or copy the link and save it in your browser.
How to start using TradeSchool
You login to TradeSchool by using this link: https://secure.tradeschoolinc.com/v5/jatc26-org/login/index.php
You may already have a TradeSchool acount and not know it. If you have taken classes with us before or have been a participate in a Local 26 JATC program you have an account. If you try to create a new account you will be told your SS# is already in use. Don’t panic. Contact mmiller@jatc26.org with your full name and the last four digits of your SS#. We will find your account and match it to your email address.
If you do need to create an account it will take several steps. Click on the link above and then click “Create Account”. Complete the email and password fields.
If your email is not recognized by the system you will receive an email from TradeSchool Web Services prompting you to create a new account. Complete the account information fields and submit that information for approval. Approval may take several days. Upon approval you will receive an email that your request has been validated. Click on the link in the approval email to be taken to the TradeSchool login page. Login to TradeSchool with your user name and password.
If you forgot your password to TradeSchool, we cannot reset it for you. You must click on the prompt located on the login page to reset your password. An email will be sent to the email address registered to your TradeSchool account and you will be able to create a new password. Then login to TradeSchool with your email and new password.
If you have concerns, please contact tradeschool@jatc26.org
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